Reports and Articles


Telephone Sampling in the 2021 AmericasBarometer

Methodological note describing LAPOP’s sampling strategy for the 2021 AmericasBarometer.

The Political Culture of Democracy in Jamaica and in the Americas, 2021: Taking the Pulse of Democracy

Authored chapters 4-6 of a book-length report on results from a 2021 survey in Jamaica.

The report received coverage from local media including The Jamaica Observer, Nationwide Radio, and The Jamaica Gleaner.

Pulse of Democracy

Spotlight report on support for coups in Brazil (p. 54), in addition to co-authored pieces on the economic impact of COVID (p. 28-29) and trust in elections in the Dominican Republic (p. 50-51).

Would Americans ever support a coup? 40 percent now say yes.

Co-authored piece in the Washington Post describing results of a survey gauging support for military coups among Americans.


Pandemic Concern, Democratic Stress, and Methodological Innovation in LAPOP’s 2020 “Off-Cycle” Studies: An Executive Summary Report

Executive summary of four surveys conducted in 2020.